special feature
Digital transformation: Trends and insights for success
Digital transformation projects are about driving fundamental change across customer experience, tech and business culture. This ZDNet special report brings you the latest trends and insights you need to succeed.

Digital transformation in 2022 and beyond: These are the key trends
What is digital transformation? Everything you need to know about how technology is changing business
Digital transformation strategy: 6 ways to keep your project on track
What do bosses really want? Four ways to get noticed in a changing world of work
4 reasons digital transformation projects fail – and how to avoid them
Digital transformation: Top 5 skills you need to succeed
Data and digital twins are changing golf. They might fix your golf swing, too
MBAs and professional development: Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
Paper catalogues to data catalogues: How digital transformation has changed everything about retail
When digital transformation goes wrong: Five ways to get back on track