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While most of the focus on the impact of AI on jobs, employment, and the future of labor is focused on the fear of many roles being automated away -- and for good reason -- there's far less focus on how AI will make the average worker more efficient and productive and potentially increase economic activity and growth. ZDNET explores both.

The AI and ML deployments are well underway, but for CXOs the biggest issue will be managing these initiatives, and figuring out where the data science team fits in and what algorithms to buy versus build.

We've entered a period of dramatic innovation in AI and automation and it's going to have a significant impact on the future of jobs, productivity, and the ways we operate in teams. Research predicts that worker productivity could increase by as much as 4x by 2030, powered by AI. We unpack the challenges, opportunities, and ways to benefit from this transformation.

A new wave of AI tools has taken the world by storm and given us a vision for a new way of working and finding the information that can streamline our work and our lives. We show you the ways tools like ChatGPT and other generational AI software are making impacts on the world, how to harness their power, as well as potential risks.

Today's smartphones continue to add new capabilities to automate and streamline life, entertain us, organize us, and connect us to one another in powerful new ways. Most people aren't taking advantage of many of the features that could help them the most. We help you change that.

The smartest companies now approach cybersecurity with a risk management strategy. Learn how to make policies to protect your most important digital assets.

The new SMB stack 28 articles

Picking the right tech vendors for your small or medium-sized business can be hard, especially with the cloud and everything-as-a-service providers giving you access to enterprise-level IT. ZDNet helps SMBs build a technology stack that promotes innovation and enables growth.

The emergence of generative AI holds tremendous potential for the future of software development and product engineering. Like any big shift, it brings big challenges, as enterprises and engineers figure out the impact of AI on their roles, business strategies, data, solutions, and products. What does the future roadmap look like for bringing generative AI into your company? ZDNET decodes it from different angles.

Face it: Your personal and business data is under threat 24/7 -- and protecting those digital assets while you shop, bank, and play online remains job one. Here's the good news: More security-focused tools and strategies are available than ever. ZDNET's most up-to-date cybersecurity guide delivers practical tips to stay safe and productive today amid the ever-evolving threat landscape tomorrow.